
Webinar: how to create a culture that supports your people

About this webinar

While hybrid and fully remote working arrangements work for many employees, they can also impact mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

For organisations and employees working in this way, how do HR and people teams create an open, supportive organisational culture – especially when there are fewer opportunities for employees to meet face-to-face, and rely on digital tools for communication? What are the hallmarks of an organisational culture that supports and promotes good mental health? How can managers better identify employees who need support, and broach these sensitive subjects? And what is the impact of an ‘always on’ remote-working culture on employees’ mental health – and HR’s own wellbeing, too?

Join Marshall E-Learning Consultancy and Mark Crabtree, an independent organisation and leadership development consultant, and former assistant HR director at Durham University, for an insightful webinar packed full of practical tips for creating an organisational culture that proactively supports good mental health.

This hour-long webinar discusses:

  • The scale and impact of poor mental health in the UK
  • The specific challenges of hybrid and remote workplaces, including identifying when an employee is struggling and having sensitive conversations when you’re not meeting face to face
  • The hallmarks of a supportive, positive culture – and practical steps to cultivate these in your organisation, including using eLearning content from Marshalls
  • Why HR professionals need to focus on their own mental health, too
  • Q&A

Your hosts
  • Mark Crabtree, independent organisation and leadership development consultant, and former assistant HR director at Durham University
  • Cathryn Newbery, head of content marketing, Ciphr Group (moderator)