
Supporting Students Experiencing Domestic Violence Training Course

Learn how to effectively prevent the issue and support students

Understand the extent of this issue for the HE sector.



Expertly crafted content, exceptional value

Domestic violence is becoming an increasing problem across university campuses and wider higher education (HE) institutions.

It’s important to understand the responsibility and the key role that university and HE staff members have in actively preventing domestic violence and effectively supporting students.

This module is suitable for any HE organisation or institution, providing learners with a foundational knowledge of the issue of student domestic violence and the warning signs alongside tools and recommendations from Universities UK (UUK).

By the end of this module, learners will be able to:

Define domestic violence and abuse

Explain key legislation relating to domestic violence and abuse

Explain how domestic violence and abuse affects university students

Identify signs of domestic violence and abuse

Explain how to support someone experiencing domestic violence and abuse

Define the different types of domestic abuse, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, gaslighting and stalking

Explain what is meant by ‘escalations of violence’

Define the university’s responsibility when it comes to domestic abuse

Explain recommendations to prevent domestic abuse with policy, staff training, support and collaboration and risk assessment

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Why choose us?

Marshalls, the power house behind Ciphr eLearning,  has worked with leading universities across the UK for over two decades.

Our strong relationship with university institutions and our positive reputation amongst the higher education sector ensures that we provide information that is relevant, accurate and tailored to higher education in our designated training courses.

We pride ourselves on our connections across higher education, including our knowledge on the latest guidance and requirements for universities to adhere to.

Universities and other HE institutions and individuals can rely on our training courses to be educational, engaging, informative and relevant.

FAQ: Supporting students experiencing domestic violence

Course parts 


Part 1

What is domestic violence and abuse?


Part 2

Types of domestic violence and abuse


Part 3

Identification, prevention and support


Part 4



Course features

  • Translation available
  • WCAG version available
  • Customisation available, with bespoke scenarios, photography and policies
  • Sector specific versions available

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Learning content delivered by Ciphr, powered by Marshalls

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Easy to implement and customise
Our in-house developers can quickly and effectively adapt this course to your sector and organisation. You could also add your own graphics, photos and video, and amend content to include your policies, procedures, and key areas

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For 20+ years, Marshalls has delivered eLearning to over two million people in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Germany, Holland, United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, Vietnam, China, Thailand, Spain and France. 

Now delivered by Ciphr, we're excited to offer you the same trusted content. Say yes to engaging, empowering and educational eLearning that makes a real difference.

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