
Menopause At Work Training Course

Recognise the physical and psychological symptoms of menopause

Learn how to have open conversations about menopause.



Expertly crafted content, exceptional value

Menopause is a very important topic for employers and employees within any workplace to be aware of.

Menopause affects a significant portion of the UK workforce. The latest figures estimate that there are around 13 million people that are currently perimenopausal or menopausal in the UK - equivalent to one third of the whole UK population. 

It is the responsibility of an employer, and an organisation more generally, to ensure that those experiencing menopausal symptoms are supported. 

Our course is designed to equip organisations with information on best practice to support employees through their menopause transition. Having a firm awareness of what the menopause is, and how it can affect employees, is the first step to ensuring that employees feel seen and supported within the workplace.

Our workplace training course covers:

What is menopause?

Recognising the physical and psychological symptoms

Addressing concerns

Tackling myths stereotypes and assumptions

Understanding the barriers to communicating

What helpful responses look like

Top tips for managers

Useful resources

Featuring high-quality images and animations, interactive activities and quizzes, insightful scenarios and personal stories, our eLearning course is a valuable resource for all organisations to raise awareness of the topic and increase understanding of the experiences of employees going through their menopause transition.

FAQ: Menopause at work training

Course parts


Part 1

Stages of menopause


Part 2

Different experiences


Part 3



Part 4

Communication barriers


Part 5

Top tips for managers


Course features

  • Translation available
  • WCAG version available
  • Podcast
  • Add your own photography and policies
  • Customisation available, with bespoke scenarios
  • Downloadable workbook
  • Smartphone version
  • End of course certificate
  • CPD certified
  • Sector specific versions available

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"[Marshalls] are absolute experts in their field, and couldn’t have been more supportive and professional."

- Head of Talent & Learning - Bank of Ireland



Learning content delivered by Ciphr, powered by Marshalls

Always up-to-date
If you buy this course you’ll get any updates we make, and always be up-to-date with current legislation

Learning by design
It’s a highly interactive course with rich graphics and audio-visual content blending a variety of question-types to encourage your learners to apply concepts to their daily work routine. An (optional) end-of-course test assesses learners on the level of knowledge they’ve retained. Pass rates can be set as required

Easy to implement and customise
Our in-house developers can quickly and effectively adapt this course to your sector and organisation. You could also add your own graphics, photos and video, and amend content to include your policies, procedures, and key areas

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Put your people front and centre

For 20+ years, Marshalls has delivered eLearning to over two million people in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Germany, Holland, United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, Vietnam, China, Thailand, Spain and France. 

Now delivered by Ciphr, we're excited to offer you the same trusted content. Say yes to engaging, empowering and educational eLearning that makes a real difference.

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