Insiders and Outsiders – Microbehaviours Training Course
Insiders and outsiders - our innovative branching video course
Examine the more subtle behaviours that generate micro-inequities.
Expertly crafted content, exceptional value
Microbehaviours are those tiny gestures, that almost imperceptible tone of voice, the glance or body language, those ‘throw-away’ comments – that subtly affirm or reject. They create an insider/outsider dynamic in the workplace and make people feel included or excluded.
It might be greeting one person more warmly than another, or finding more or less time for them, interrupting a colleague in mid-sentence, taking credit for someone else’s work, rolling eyes in frustration, or repeatedly cancelling meetings. These are just a few examples of how what we do or don’t do can cumulatively build-up to create an environment that feels friendly to some but pervasively hostile to others.
These behaviours are often driven by our unconscious biases, and the challenge is to ensure that individual employees (particularly managers) are able to recognise how and when they can manifest in the workplace. We need to learn how to alter our behaviour to consciously include, with the understanding that if we don’t do this the result may be that we unconsciously exclude our colleagues.
The solution
Utilising the branching videos, this module will take learners on a journey to examine the more subtle behaviours that generate micro-inequities and define insider/outsider dynamics, and how this can have serious consequences for wellbeing, team working, creativity and productivity.
Our course guides learners through the foundational aspects of unconscious bias, and it is an excellent ‘next step’ to turn awareness into action. They will then explore the concepts and impacts of positive and negative microbehaviours using the medium of interactive storytelling, where every decision they make will have a unique outcome on the branching storylines.
This immersive training follows the story of a team of professionals working together to build a new website. As the characters clash and deadlines loom, learners are asked to select from a range of options how the team leader should respond to correct team members’ (and her own) interactions and biases. The success or failure of the project will depend upon whether the learner effectively integrated these lessons and chooses the correct responses.
Learners will be able to actively participate, putting their knowledge of unconscious bias and microbehaviours to the test in a challenging simulation that is both thought-provoking and convincing.
This module will enable learners to:
Realise bias is instinctive and immediate, and can play out through microbehaviours
Appreciate that microbehaviours can have a cumulative impact
Acknowledge that we behave differently towards different people
Describe what microbehaviours are and how they manifest, both positively and negatively through our behaviour and decision making
Demonstrate the impact of microbehaviours on individuals, teams and processes
Apply strategies for mitigating the influence of bias and micro-inequities
Course parts
Part 1
Introduction to unconscious bias: a refresher on the basics of unconscious bias
Part 2
Microbehaviours: explore the nature of micro-inequities – what they are, how they perpetuate biases, their effects and mitigation strategies to minimise their influence
Part 3
Interactive branching dramas: an exploration into our interactive branching dramas where you can see the immediate impact our biases can have on the success or failure of our decision-making processes

Course features
- Translation available
- WCAG version available
- Podcast
- Add your own photography and policies
- Customisation available, with bespoke scenarios
- Downloadable workbook
- Smartphone version
- End of course certificate
- CPD certified
- Sector specific versions available
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Learning content delivered by Ciphr, powered by Marshalls
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Learning by design
It’s a highly interactive course with rich graphics and audio-visual content blending a variety of question-types to encourage your learners to apply concepts to their daily work routine. An (optional) end-of-course test assesses learners on the level of knowledge they’ve retained. Pass rates can be set as required
Easy to implement and customise
Our in-house developers can quickly and effectively adapt this course to your sector and organisation. You could also add your own graphics, photos and video, and amend content to include your policies, procedures, and key areas
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This content was initially published on Marshallelearning.com and has been uploaded to and lightly amended on Ciphr.com as part of the brand amalgamation in August 2024. Instances of 'Marshall E-Learning' have been shortened to [Marshalls] for conciseness.