Brand name pronunciation quiz

Brand name pronunciation quiz - Ciphr

According to google search research by Ciphr, some of the most popular brand names that people in the UK want to know how to pronounce are: Chipotle, Shein, Nike, Moët, Hermès, Porsche, L’Occitane, Adidas, Krispy Kreme, and Peugeot.

Do you know how to correctly pronounce these brands?


Ciphr conducted Google keyword research via Semrush in June 2022 for the search terms: ‘How to pronounce…’, ‘How do you pronounce…’, and ‘pronunciation…’. All figures shown relate to average monthly searches on Google over a 12-month period.

Sources for brand name pronunciations are listed below:


The top 40 list of the most-searched-for brand name pronunciations in the UK, including pronunciation tips and Google search statistics, is available to view at