What is human resources?



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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably know most organisations have an HR team – but what is human resources? What is human resources’ responsibilities? How has it changed over the years? What are the challenges in HR roles? And what does the future of human resources look like? HR experts weigh in on all that and more. 

What is human resources? 

Long gone are the days when ‘human resources’ was used to refer to the people who make up an organisation’s workforce. Now ‘HR’ is more widely understood to be the department that oversees a company’s people. This includes their hiring, contracts and performance, as well as the organisation’s compliance with employment law and regulations. 

But the days of admin-focused ‘personnel’ departments are pretty much over, and some forward-thinking organisations are even ditching ‘human resources’ in favour of ‘people teams’. So how far has the HR profession come on its journey, what are its key responsibilities now, and what might the future hold for HR? 

What is human resources’ responsibilities? 

Gwenan West, our head of people operations, has seen the profession change significantly over her 28-year career: 

“HR used to be admin-driven – just checking whether people at work were conforming with policies and employment law. Now HR has to be much more commercial. HR practitioners have to get to know their organisation inside and out. What HR really focuses on now is helping a business to get the most out of its people, through a range of initiatives that could include anything from employee engagement, to improving the working environment, and helping managers improve their employees’ performance.” 

Essentially, says Hessie Coleman, vice president of people, HR’s purpose is to make organisations “a great place to work – a place that people want to come and work at. For me, where HR gets pretty interesting is where we move away from the box-ticking – the fundamentals like contracts and pay – and onto adding strategic value.” 

Ruth Sharpe, an HRM strategist, says HR has moved beyond the business partnering model – conceived by Dave Ulrich in the mid-1990s – to take on a “new entrepreneurial role… HR leads must be transformational in their style with heighted market awareness and digital savviness. They must be visionary in their awareness of what critical skills are needed, analytics and strategic planning should be taken as read in their role.” 

“You can’t work in silos in an HR environment; you have to get to know every area of the business,” says West. “You have to build relationships with department heads, and understand what their challenges are – so you can almost become their right-hand man. If an activity or initiative is affecting people in any way, then HR needs to be involved. We help the organisation mitigate risk, and challenge leaders to think in different ways – to advise them on the route to their goal that has the best possible impact on their staff.”  

“Part of how HR is doing that is by collecting and analysing data, and making evidence-based recommendations,” she adds. 

What does the future of human resources look like? 

The nature of the modern labour market is also contributing to a redefinition of what it means to ‘do’ HR, says Professor Chris Rowley of Kellogg College, University of Oxford. “With changes in the nature of ‘work’ and the rise and spread of the gig economy and freelancers, a broader conceptualisation is needed, as it involves dealing with those who may well not be direct employees.” 

West describes HR as a profession that’s constantly ‘reinventing’ itself – something that’s set to continue as the nature of work itself changes. 

“HR needs to think about the future of work beyond the impact of digital tools,” says Rowley – it should focus on “ideas around making work more inclusive, and notions of shifting corporate priorities towards greater ‘stakeholder’ capitalism. Building consumer trust… involves the importance and power of treating employees decently – from simply listening to them and paying a living wage through to co-owned businesses such as the John Lewis Partnership.” 

Challenges in HR roles 

While there are ‘pockets of leaders who absolutely get that HR is a valuable resource and that practitioners have a key role to play in an organisation,’ West cautions that there are still organisations that take a very old-fashioned view – who see HR just as an admin function, and a cost. “They don’t get HR involved in board meetings, and they don’t get HR involved in senior-level conversations. Change is happening, but in some places it’s very slow.” 

Set your HR team up for success 

Want to take your HR team from zero to hero? A great first step is investing in the right HR software. You want something intuitive. Easy to use. Perfect for simplifying time-consuming tasks so that your people team can focus on what really matters – the big picture stuff. Download our brochure or request a demo to see how we can help your organisation with all that and more. 


This article was first published in February 2013. It was updated in January 2025 for freshness, clarity and accuracy.