Candidate matching: will AI transform how we hire?
Shortlisting qualified applicants for roles is always time consuming. AI promises to match candidates to roles with greater speed and efficacy than...
The latest news, updates and articles from our team of HR professionals and experts.
Latest news, articles and tips
Candidate matching: will AI transform how we hire?
Shortlisting qualified applicants for roles is always time consuming. AI promises to match candidates to roles with greater speed and efficacy than...
The ultimate HRIS requirements checklist: 53 questions your stakeholders might have
If you’re in the market for a new HRIS, the first step before talking to vendors is collaborating with stakeholders to build a requirements...
How do HR systems differ in small and large firms?
Finding out how HR systems differ in small and large firms will help you decide which features you may – or may not – need in your next HR software
How does office design affect productivity?
Don’t underestimate how office design affects productivity; whether you’re working at home or on-site, here’s how to set up your environment for...
Are your job ads gender biased? Why gender neutral job descriptions matter
As hard as HR professionals try to write robust job adverts, human nature means its inevitable that bias creeps in. We explain how this happens – and...
How to maximise user engagement on your corporate elearning platform
Investment in a new corporate elearning platform is one thing, but its success will be judged on how learners use it. Here’s how you get employees...
Gamification in learning: why does it work?
Gamification in learning – adding ‘game’ style elements such as rewards, badges and leaderboards – is proven to help improve uptake of eLearning...
Equality and diversity in the workplace explained
In today’s rapidly evolving society, fostering a workplace environment that values and promotes equality and diversity has become a crucial aspect of...
The advantages of eLearning at work: employer's edition
eLearning is one of the most effective tools for creating a skilled, diverse, and inclusive workforce. Explore the multitude of ways eLearning can...