How Ciphr can help you with gender pay gap reporting



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Save time, easily report on six key figures, and ensure gender pay gap compliance with us.

The deadline for gender pay gap reporting is fast approaching – a regulatory requirement for organisations with over 250 employees which can “help organisations know more about the true equality of their pay structure,” says our head of people Gwenan West. Employers have until 5 October 2021 to report their gender pay gap information, but we can help if you don’t know where to start or how to report on this information.

Our gender pay gap reporting functionality, within our HR software, provides you with a dashboard of all the key reporting figures, and the reports you need to meet the UK government’s reporting requirements.

Store any pay-related information within our HR software and, once you have configured the data, you can download your gender pay gap report in a matter of minutes. The report automatically updates with any pay-related information you add and can be re-downloaded at any time.

Our gender pay gap report calculates six key figures:

  1. Difference between the hourly rate of pay for male and female employees
  2. Difference between the median hourly rate of pay for male and female employees
  3. Difference between the mean bonus pay paid to male and female employees
  4. Difference between the median bonus pay for male and female employees
  5. Proportion of male and female employees who were paid a bonus
  6. Proportion of male and female employees who are in the relevant quartile pay bands

What does this mean for HR?

“Our gender pay gap reporting functionality means HR teams have more control over reporting,” says West. “This enables us to do a quick health check on our gender pay gap at regular intervals and not just when we are running our annual gender pay gap report.”

“Anyone who has run gender pay gap reporting manually will tell you how onerous this can be. Having the data at our fingertips at a click of a button means we are more in touch with the health of our gender pay gap throughout the year – we can break the data down into areas of the business most relevant to us internally within the STEM community.”

Also save time by using our gender pay gap reporting functionality. Once all the pay related information is recorded in our software, the calculations are done for you, meaning you can use the time saved to focus on the action you may take to improve gender pay gap for example. The report also automatically updates figures when information is updated in our HR software, saving you time as there’s less need to manually input data.

The report provides you with all six relevant statistics, which you can publish on your website and submit to the UK government reporting website, ensuring compliance.

With our gender pay gap reporting functionality, your HR team can enable your organisation to put strategies in place to reduce any gaps in gender pay. West adds: “Organisations need to be confident that their data is accurate as this will drive future pay, recruitment, talent development and succession planning strategies.”

Want to discover more about our gender pay gap reporting functionality? Contact us at, or call 01628 814242.