Why companies should invest in GenAI eLearning for managers



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Understanding how to use generative AI technology effectively is essential for organisations, as there are ethical risks and challenges surrounding these new tools

Article by Meg Shona Halpin-Webster, Graduate eLearning Content Writer for Marshalls, a Ciphr company 

The exponential development of technology is transforming our everyday lives, including how we work. Deloitte’s 2023 Digital Consumer Trends research found that more than four million people in the UK have used generative AI (‘GenAI’) technology for work, demonstrating the significant impact of these technologies on how we work. Generative AI chatbot ChatGPT is at the forefront of this transformation of business operations, reaching 100 million users in its first two months, becoming the fastest growing app of all time.

Understanding how to use generative AI technology effectively is essential for organisations as there are ethical risks and challenges surrounding these new tools. To combat these risks – such as to the credibility of your organisation – it’s important that your employees are educated on how to use GenAI appropriately. This is where accessible, informative and engaging eLearning courses come into play.

We have developed an in-depth GenAI eLearning course suite – designed with both managers and employees in mind – to help you understand this emerging technology, how it works and the risks and challenges associated with it.

Read on as we explore why investing in GenAI eLearning is important for organisations to thrive, if you should invest in GenAI eLearning now, and why eLearning is the most suitable medium for this topic.

Why investment in GenAI eLearning is vital


Here are the key reasons why it’s crucial for organisations to invest in generative AI eLearning to strengthen their understanding of this emerging technology

Generative AI has a growing role in business

Generative AI is more than a tech trend. It’s progressively becoming the future of business operations and decision-making across all organisations and industries.

Generative AI has the potential to increase efficiency across various sectors, from content production to data analysis. It can also help managers organise their schedule, simplify their operations, and even forecast sales. The growing presence of this technology across business operations makes investing in eLearning on this topic relevant and valuable for organisation-wide efficiency and productivity.

Effective use of generative AI is key for competitive edge

Understanding generative AI and how to use it effectively isn’t simply about harnessing its capabilities to strengthen your own organisation – it’s also about understanding how competitors may be using it and strengthening your competitive edge.

Managers and employees who are confident in using generative AI can use it to better assess the competitive landscape and therefore devise strategies to get ahead. Investing in insightful eLearning content on generative AI can provide the key knowledge needed to maximise the technology and benefit your wider organisation.

Awareness of the ethical implications is a necessity

Generative AI technology is not perfect; it comes with risks, challenges and ethical implications that managers and employees need to be aware of. Key risks include the sharing and proliferation of misinformation and disinformation, bias across algorithms, and privacy issues related to data collection. Nearly half (43%) of respondents to Deloitte’s research survey mistakenly assumed that the content produced by generative AI is always factually accurate, while 38% said they believed that generated answers are always unbiased. This lack of awareness demonstrates the necessity of thoroughly understanding generative AI, including how to effectively navigate the complex terrain of this technology to ensure responsible and ethically sound use.

The urgency of investing in GenAI eLearning

As generative AI technology is making its mark on business operations and functions, it’s more relevant to invest in accessible and informative GenAI eLearning now than ever before. But why is it so urgent for organisations to invest now?

  • Advancements of technology are rapid: technology, including AI, evolves rapidly. Organisations that delay their deployment of GenAI risk falling behind in technological implementation, strategic thinking and competitive advantage
  • Build a workforce equipped for the future: managers who take the initiative to train themselves and their employees on generative AI are better positioned to drive innovative use of the tech and ensure the continued growth and success of the wider organisation
  • Better navigate ethical dilemmas: managers who are equipped with the knowledge to avoid the misuse of GenAI will be in a stronger position than their untrained peers
  • Attract the best talent: investing in generative AI eLearning, and the technology itself, is sure to appeal to potential employees – as it demonstrates a firm commitment to forward-thinking innovation, and cutting-edge training and development for employee growth

Why eLearning is the ideal medium for managers

Using eLearning is an extremely valuable training and educational medium for managers and their employees. This format offers flexibility and convenience to all learners, as they can learn at their own pace and fit their development into their own work schedule. Compared to other training mediums – such as facilitated training or a workshop – eLearning is consistent, meaning that every learner has the same experience and access to high-quality information.

Modern developments in eLearning ensure it’s far from passive, with our eLearning courses being rich in graphics, video content and interactive activities to strengthen and test understanding of content. Using eLearning is also a cost-effective option for many organisations who want to deliver informative and engaging content to their employees on a tight budget.

Why you should invest in GenAI eLearning

We have developed a trailblazing, innovative suite of GenAI eLearning courses specifically designed to equip managers and employees with the must-have knowledge about generative AI technology.

Our state-of-the-art suite comprises five microlearning courses introducing the technology and exploring how to get started with chatbots and develop an effective AI strategy. The course also contains a module solely focused on the risks, challenges and ethics of the technology to ensure awareness and responsible implementation. We also developed a module covering the future of GenAI, covering the potential growth and development of the technology and how it can be used across various sectors.

eLearning content: Delivered by Ciphr, powered by Marshalls


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This content was initially published on Marshallelearning.com (October 2023) and has been uploaded to and lightly amended on Ciphr.com as part of the brand amalgamation in August 2024